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Personal Notes
When I was in Seattle in 2000, I had regular phone conversations with a friend and he mentioned to me his yahoo account name: astrangiam. What does this mean? It never left my mind since then. I thought I'd do a film and titled it astrangiam (all small letters). And when I went back to the Philippines three years later, I shot the film with Philip - one of the most beautiful people I've met in my life. For me, astrangiam is about mundane things that people don't really give much attention to. For me, it is us who make things interesting so nothing may be dull in life. Everything is about perspective and how one gives weight to that particular perspective. So it is always possible for me (or anyone) to create a film about time, spontaneity, assumptions, dreams, etc and tell it my way no matter how irrelevant it would be for others. Each idea, each space is valid. The film is lovingly dedicated to my Ninang Gloria Hebrona - a very kind person who has a very generous spirit - who passed away in 2006. It was Ninang Glo's passing that I revisited my 2003 files to finally release the film. It is my way of honoring her memory.
Elvert JV
Mind over matter. Perception over fact. Life over death. 'astrangiam' meditates on the parallelisms of time, spontaneity, assumptions, dreams and elements of nature.
Year of release: 2006 (shot 2003)
TRT: 8 min, 52 sec
Shot, edited, designed and directed by: Elvert Bañares
Cast: John Philip Posadas
Borrowed Music: The Remote Viewers
Production Manager: Karen Abarca
Post-Production In-Charge: Orville Chua, Mario Gomez Jr.
Trivia: The film was shot using Casio Exilim EX-53 still camera with only 3.2 megapixels - the slimmest camera in 2003 and one of the most favorite cameras of this filmmaker..
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